Download ISO https://github.com/OS108/OS108/releases/tag/9.1
MD5 (OS108_9-1_XFCE4_amd64.tar.gz) = 6fe8aea3103bcab98b961f0bbe749530
SHA512 (OS108_9-1_XFCE4_amd64.tar.gz) = b0d06708c6d96142d999d9ccc2073a339b9a8cd0a923e67ca7f5da1b47e600ddaf0daaf865446c056ed3a6664afe045e529daf7bf6519224d45961eb6a02d4e8
Download USB img:
MD5 (OS108-9-1_XFCE4_amd64_USB.img.gz) = 50fc22b79ba62dd04719b762c15b58b3
SHA512 (OS108-9-1_XFCE4_amd64_USB.img.gz) = 7c737aa0358718daa5c2c2d9c39b454bea065260f6c309c6b43fd79f8ba41379942eca7257dc3b63c8c6564d8ba9ecd45d997eddb007c8e542cbfaca8260d8aa
Installing OS108 to your hard drive is done by using the sysinst utility, the process is basically the same as installing NetBSD itself.
Please referer to the NetBSD guide for installation details, http://www.netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/part-install.html
--Be sure to enable option "log" in partition to your FFSv2 file system.
--If you choose a custom partition scheme, which makes updating between releases easier, be aware that OS108, as NetBSD, installs software to /usr/pkg, so the /usr partition should be the largest partition on your drive.
When the base install is finished, let dhcp configure your network connection automatically, set the console keyboard, created a root password and set the root shell.
Please make sure to create at least one user being of group wheel from the configuration menu.
After install login to root account and follow these steps while CD ISO is in cdrom device:
#mount /cdrom
#sh /cdrom/OS108/xfce.sh
And for USB installer :
#mount /dev/dk1 /cdrom
#sh /cdrom/OS108/xfce.sh
where dk1 is your usb drive
Installation Tutorial video : https://youtu.be/cgAeY21gXR4
For WiFI also follow this guide to work along with WiFi manager : https://archive.unitedbsd.com/t/netbsd-desktop-pt-2-set-up-wireless-networking-on-netbsd-with-wpa-supplicant-and-dhcpcd/281
Have fun and do report bugs and problems
Special Thanks to @leot @medfly @ryoshu @nbyouri @nia and others from Freenode #NetBSD