I'm new to BSD in general, and tried to install os108, on my Acer Aspire, 64bit.
It failed to set up the wifi.
I read on netbsd release page that the latest 9.3 has some improvements related to wifi, so perhaps you need to update os108 to 9.3?
I didn't manage to make it dual-boot with my windows, so I had to reinstall windows. But this is probably my fault, didn't read more carefully, so I missed one particular paragraph about adding labels to bootmenu in :
But then the docs are not user friendly at all (too many versions to keep track of: your video (outdated), netbsd guide (with outdated pictures), the Install doc ...).
Only one other relevant source I found googling "netbsd dual boot windows" : https://rubenerd.com/dual-boot-windows-nt-netbsd-on-the-libretto-70ct/ , even that not about modern windows .
(the explanations in faq of netbsd didn't help).
I conclude netbsd is not for beginners...