Rename the file I've sent you by e-mail to .terminfo.cdb
and place it in your home directory.
Set in your .Xresourses
! xst settings
st.termname: xst
there you go. No more tput
garbage 😉
Man, you should get some padding in that terminal, though.
EDIT: Just so you don't get paranoid. The file I've sent you was manually generated from an xst
build with the modifications I've mentioned above.
Manually generated means, I've cd into the package build directory and issued tic -sx st.info
to generate the database.
EDIT 2: If you still feel unsure, you could also do this, ...
pin@mybox $ ftp https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gnotclub/xst/master/st.info
Trying ...
Requesting https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gnotclub/xst/master/st.info
100% |*************************************************************************************************************************| 4083 985.49 KiB/s 00:00 ETA
4083 bytes retrieved in 00:00 (916.83 KiB/s)
pin@mybox $ tic -sx st.info
7 entries and 0 aliases written to st.info.cdb
pin@mybox $ mv st.info.cdb .terminfo.cdb
pin@mybox $ mv .terminfo.cdb ~/
Same result 😉