I recently spun up a DragonflyBSD 6.2 instance on a NetCup root server to host my minecraft server and it's website. The server came with 1TB of storage.
When I tried to rsync -azP the world files over from debian, something went wrong. The command halted with the error "no space left on device". The files in question appeared to be much bigger on the disk than they should have been. At first, I assumed something went bad with the rsync compression, so I deleted the folder, and tried again. However, even after a reboot, the "rm" doesn't seem to have freed up any disk space. I can't see the data anymore, but my disk is still 100% full. I can't even create a blank text file, and there seems to be nothing on the whole system that should be taking up more than 2.5G of space.
I am a bit lost as to how to proceed. Is this an rsync issue? Is it caused by HAMMER2? How can I get my free space back, and sync my files without this happening again?
Thank you for your help, here's a screenshot of the problem: