Since we're here, my old ~/.tcshrc
from my FreeBSD days. File is dated 2016 indeed:
umask 002
alias df df -H
alias h history 25
alias j jobs -l
alias ls ls -FG
alias la ls -aF
alias lf ls -FA
alias ll ls -lAF
alias libressl /usr/local/bin/openssl
if ( -x /usr/local/bin/vim ) then
alias vi vim
switch ($tty)
case "ttyv*":
alias precmd /usr/sbin/kbdcontrol -r fast
if ($tty =~ ttyv*) then
setenv BROWSER w3m
setenv BROWSER uzbl-tabbed
setenv EDITOR vim
bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line
if ($?prompt) then
set autoexpand
set colorcat
set filec
set ignoreof
set autocorrect
set nobeep
set filec
set rmstart
set correct = cmd
set grey = "%{\033[1;30m%}"
set red = "%{\033[1;31m%}"
set green = "%{\033[1;32m%}"
set yellow = "%{\033[1;33m%}"
set blue = "%{\033[1;34m%}"
set magenta = "%{\033[1;35m%}"
set cyan = "%{\033[1;36m%}"
set white = "%{\033[1;37m%}"
set end = "%{\033[0m%}"
set histfile = "$HOME/.history"
set savehist = (5000 merge)
set history = (5000 "%h %D-%W-%Y %T %R\n")
complete {,un}alias 'p/1/a/' 'p/2/c/'
complete {c,push,pop}d 'C/*/d/'
complete exec 'p/1/c/'
complete man 'C/*/c/'
complete {where,which} 'C/*/c/'
complete {,un}set 'p/1/s/'
complete {,un}setenv 'C/*/e/'
complete printenv 'C/*/e/'
complete bindkey 'p/1/b/'
complete fg 'c/%/j/'
complete kill 'c/%/j/' 'c/-/S/'
complete chgrp 'p/1/g/'
complete chown 'p/1/u/'
complete limit 'C/*/l/'
complete find 'p/1/d/' 'n/-user/u/' 'n/-group/g/'
complete service 'n@*@`ls /etc/rc.d /usr/local/etc/rc.d | sed -e "/:/d"`@'
complete pkill 'n@*@`ps -a -x -c -o command="" | sort | uniq`@'
complete pkg_delete 'c/-/(i v D n p d f G x X r)/' \
'n@*@`ls /var/db/pkg`@'
complete portmaster 'c/-/(C G H K B b g n t v w f i D d m x P PP)/' \
'n@*@`ls /var/db/pkg`@'
complete portupgrade 'c/-/(A b B c C D e f F i k l L m M n N o O p P PP q r R s S u v w W x y)/' \
'n@*@`ls /var/db/pkg`@'
complete make 'n@*@`make -pn | sed -n -E "/^[#_.\/[:blank:]]+/d; /=/d; s/[[:blank:]]*:.*//gp;"`@'
complete git \
'p/1/(add commit rm status diff push pull)/' \
'n@diff@`git status -s | sed -n "/^ M/ s,^ M ,,p"`@' \
'n@add@`git status -s | sed -n "/^??/ s,^?? ,,p"`@' \
'n@commit@`git status -s | sed -n "/^[A ]/ s,^...,,p" ; echo .`@' \
'n@push@`git remote`@'
complete cd \
complete chown \
complete complete \
complete dd \
'c/[io]f=/f/ n/*/"(if of ibs obs bs skip seek count)"/='
complete doas \
'p@1@`sed "s,.*cmd *\([^ ]*\).*,\1," /usr/local/etc/doas.conf`@'
complete find \
'n/-fstype/"(nfs 4.2)"/' 'n/-name/f/' \
'n/-type/(c b d f p l s)/' \
'n/-user/u/ n/-group/g/' \
'n/-exec/c/' 'n/-ok/c/' \
'n/-cpio/f/' \
'n/-ncpio/f/' \
'n/-newer/f/' \
'c/-/(fstype name perm prune type user nouser group nogroup size inum atime mtime ctime exec \
ok print ls cpio ncpio newer xdev depth daystart follow maxdepth mindepth noleaf version \
anewer cnewer amin cmin mmin true false uid gid ilname iname ipath iregex links lname empty path \
regex used xtype fprint fprint0 fprintf print0 printf not a and o or)/' \
complete gpart \
'p/1/(add backup bootcode commit create delete destroy modify recover resize restore set show undo unset)/' \
'n/add/x:-t type [-a alignment] [-b start] [-s size] [-i index] [-l label] -f flags geom/' \
'n/backup/x:geom/' \
'n/bootcode/x:[-b bootcode] [-p partcode -i index] [-f flags] geom/' \
'n/commit/x:geom/' \
'n/create/x:-s scheme [-n entries] [-f flags] provider/' \
'n/delete/x:-i index [-f flags] geom/' \
'n/destroy/x:[-F] [-f flags] geom/' \
'n/modify/x:-i index [-l label] [-t type] [-f flags] geom/' \
'n/recover/x:[-f flags] geom/' \
'n/resize/x:-i index [-a alignment] [-s size] [-f flags] geom/' \
'n/restore/x:[-lF] [-f flags] provider [...]/' \
'n/set/x:-a attrib -i index [-f flags] geom/' \
'n/show/x:[-l | -r] [-p] [geom ...]/' \
'n/undo/x:geom/' \
'n/unset/x:-a attrib -i index [-f flags] geom/'
complete grep \
'c/-*A/x:<#_lines_after>/' \
'c/-*B/x:<#_lines_before>/' \
'c/--/(extended-regexp fixed-regexp basic-regexp regexp file ignore-case word-regexp line-regexp \
no-messages revert-match version help byte-offset line-number with-filename no-filename quiet silent \
text directories recursive files-without-match files-with-matches count before-context after-context \
context binary unix-byte-offsets)/' \
'c/-/(A a B b C c d E e F f G H h i L l n q r s U u V v w x)/' \
'p/1/x:<limited_regular_expression>/ N/-*e/f/' \
'n/-*e/x:<limited_regular_expression>/' \
'n/-*f/f/' \
complete herbstclient \
'p/*/`set cmd="${COMMAND_LINE}x"; \
set cmd=( ${cmd:s,herbstclient,,} ); \
set cmd_nr=${#cmd} ; \
@ cmd_nr-- ; \
herbstclient complete_shell ${cmd_nr} ${COMMAND_LINE:s,herbstclient,,}`/'
complete ifconfig \
'p@1@`ifconfig -l`@' \
'n/*/(range phase link netmask mtu vlandev vlan metric mediaopt down delete broadcast arp debug)/' \
'c/%/j/' \
'n/*/`ps -ax | awk '"'"'{print $1}'"'"'`/'
complete kill \
'c/-/S/' \
'c/%/j/' \
'n/*/`ps -ax | awk '"'"'{print $1}'"'"'`/'
complete killall \
'c/-/S/' \
'c/%/j/' \
'n/*/`ps -ax | awk '"'"'{print $5}'"'"'`/'
complete kldload \
'n@*@`ls -1 /boot/modules/ /boot/kernel/ | awk -F/ \$NF\ \~\ \".ko\"\ \{sub\(\/\.ko\/,\"\",\$NF\)\;print\ \$NF\}`@'
complete kldunload \
'n@*@`kldstat | awk \{sub\(\/\.ko\/,\"\",\$NF\)\;print\ \$NF\} | grep -v Name`@'
complete localc \
complete lowriter \
complete make \
'p@1@`make -V.ALLTARGETS`@'
complete man \
'C@*@`find ${mandir} -type f -name \*.gz | sed "s,.*/,, ; s,\.[^\.]*\.gz,,"`@'
complete mupdf \
complete pdflatex \
complete service \
'c/-/(e l r v)/' \
'p/1/`service -l`/' \
'n/*/(start stop reload restart status rcvar onestart onestop)/'
complete sysctl \
'n/*/`sysctl -Na`/'
complete tmux \
'n/*/(attach detach has kill-server kill-session lsc lscm ls lockc locks new refresh rename showmsgs source start suspendc switchc)/'
set _task_date="modified.after:2016-01-01"
complete task \
'c/pri:/(L M H)/' \
'c/project:/`task ${_task_date} _unique project`/' \
'n/[0-9]*/(annotate edit modify done)/' \
'p/2-/(project pri due)/:/' \
'p/1/`echo add list ; task _unique id`/'
complete unrar \
complete unzip \
complete which \
alias _comp_pkgs 'pkg info -q'
alias _comp_pkg_info '_comp_pkgs | xargs echo --list-files --pkg-message --comment --dependencies --required-by --size'
alias _comp_pkg_install 'sqlite3 /var/db/pkg/repo-FreeBSD.sqlite "select name from packages;"'
complete pkg \
'p/1/(annotate autoremove delete info install iv rquery ri rv rw query search uv ur which)/' \
'n/info/`_comp_pkg_info`/' \
'N/info/`_comp_pkgs`/' \
'n/delete/`_comp_pkgs`/' \
'n/install/`_comp_pkg_install`/' \
'n/rv/`pkg rquery "%n" | uniq`/' \
'n/ri/`pkg rquery "%n" | uniq`/' \
'n/rw/`pkg rquery "%n" | uniq`/' \
if ($tty =~ ttyv*) then
if ( $USER == root ) then
set prompt = "\n${blue}%~ ${red}%N@%m: \n>>>${end} "
set prompt = "\n${red}%~ ${blue}%m: \n>>>${end} "
if ( $USER == root ) then
set prompt = "\n${blue}%~ ${red}%N@%m: \nâ±â±â±${end} "
set prompt = "\n${red}%~ ${green}%N@%m: \nâ±â±â±${end} "
unset grey red green yellow blue magenta cyan white end
if (-f ~/.colors) then
alias ls 'ls-F'
set listflags='ha'
set color
setenv LS_COLORS `awk '! /^#|^$|\t/ {printf $1"="$2":"}' ~/.colors`
if ( $?tcsh ) then
bindkey "^[Od" backward-word # rxvt
bindkey "^[Oc" forward-word # rxvt
bindkey "\e[2~" overwrite-mode
bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
bindkey "\e[1;5C" forward-word
bindkey "\e[1;5D" backward-word
bindkey "\e[5~" history-search-backward
bindkey "\e[6~" history-search-forward
bindkey "^W" backward-delete-word
bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line