dear guru!
The settings have not taken. Make sure they're either in a) ~/.xinitrc, or b) ~/.xsession, or c) ~/.profile/~/.login/~/.bash_profile, depending on how/if you run X. Then, if you open a terminal window (or at the console) and type echo $LANG $LC_CTYPE it should show you what you set.
I have it now everywhere in /root and /usr/home in ./xinitrc, ./xsession ./xprofile with $ or without, this is what I always get with csh, fish, bash, etc...:
LC_CTYPE: Undefined variable.
export: Command not found.
export: Command not found.
export: Command not found.
I use the xfce4-terminal, with xterm "export: command not found". I heart only sh accepts export="PKG_PATH=..." or whatever, maybe this is why? But tried, no error message but the same thing at svn up /usr/src
The BeOS re-write? Haven't tried it. Tried BeOS 5.0 back in the early 2000s (still have the last official R5 CD) and liked it then.
They are damn far for their evaluation purpose when doing such a high resolution out of the box. Their problem is still the (U)EFI - BIOS to be outsmarted as a BIOS has to be MBR for them. Dot! But they have libreoffice, a gcc10 and I tried to cross-compile it for armhf but gave up as a lack of ressources. It's an old but possible candidate and a lotta pressure on win here;
They aren't well at the moment, I think, as I do not hear anything negative upon open-source and not many battles for users are being done, so maybe they are sleeping their winter-sleep. g I had to buy me free over there and Bill hardly would have let me go to Linux in 1997 (I was a 2.0.32 kernel with KDE 1), still trying to bring me back sometimes.
It isn't a good sign, btw, because if the market-leader because of Corona 19 doesn't get anything in front any more we all need a new system in governments, schools, etc. But there's a idiom, like: there's coming nothing better afterwards or so, and the Macintosh System is simply too expensive for secretaries, etc., but being sold but not the very last paper to 50,0001%! So it is and always was an apple of discord and Steve Jobs would turn around in his grave if he knew what came out with his half and half BSD-system.
First install of FreeBSD 2.2.X back in the late 1990s. Had 4 OSes running on a second-hand 386 with 20MB RAM: DOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Minix. First install (for my own use) of both NetBSD and OpenBSD only this year. Not a child of computing--got into it rather late: in my early 20s.
This has been like this, coz before nobody was in the situation to just "buy" a computer as they were very expensive in the 70s. The whole progression of development started in the early 90s here in Europe, where everyone got his own computer. I started on PC with DOS 2.1 and Win 2.1 on a notebook for school, I was the only with a device and had to be pilloried for this. Look, now we do distance learning!
But 4 systems on an 386, wow!, Minix: I tried, but as not X'ing (or just with good speech on it) Amsterdams version became quite unpopular in the 2000s for end-users, but always being successful on and in mainframes, etc.
No idea about this virtualization stuff. Sorry. (It's on my TODO list, though.)
nobody anwered here in the forum, either. I'd to put it on your priority-list up to place whatever, 'coz IMHO the future of home-computing is UEFI-Hypervisor-VM!; not even a normal OS anymore, just the hypervisor as a "bootloader", all things necessary to be done. The advantage is that you can start a variety of OSes and games a.s.o., directly without the OS in the background. Humanity is virtualizing itself to: phu! we don't know yet, maybe we loose our physis, just being present as a brain in some gallery somewhere, we as maintainers are probably sometimes back to "planet blue" to fix issues, this would be a recall of Eden! And we know nothing about conscience: it can all be an illusion as the eastern religions teach us. Morph gives me this feeling sometimes to be newborn without any sorrows and pains. Sounds like bad science-fiction, but remember: an average 7-year old American kid spends 8-10 hours / day in front of a screen, maybe it (the LCD) will "eat" us one day! Things like VR glasses and 3D-printers are just prototypes of something great, this is what I clearly can feel here.
How about: "Alexa, please scan me into and print me outta in L.A. !", concerning this 3D-matrix of future...