On Windows, there are:


These are small and efficient programs that let you sorta play piano with a computer/laptop keyboard, and piano roll is a central piece of their UI.
Here is an example of how it works:
Is there something like this on OpenBSD?
I know pkg_add musescore && musescore
has a piano roll,
but it seems to be mouse-only,
and MuseScore is a resource hog.
pkg_add lmms && lmms
has a piano roll,
but it produces a ripping sound, no matter the buffer size,
and there are additional distortions while playing multiple notes simultaneously,
and LMMS is a resource hog.
pkg_add zyn-fusion && zynaddsubfx
has a piano roll,
but there are distortions while playing multiple notes simultaneously.
And, piano roll in all three software above is a complementary feature,
so piano roll occupies a small part of the UI and is hard to see.
I believe there are browser-based online piano rolls.
I may tolerate it being browser-based - as the last resort since browsers are resource hogs -
but it must be an offline app.