You're not going to believe this.
The same script wont launch at all from keybinding under sdorfehs
on OpenBSD. 😫
So, here we go again.
The script is the same:
rbw-menu password | xclip -loop 1 -sel clip
the rbw-menu
script is the same as above also...
The script runs from the command line.
These are my keybindings:
# scripts
definekey top s-t exec $HOME/.scripts/
definekey top s-d exec $HOME/.scripts/
definekey top s-p exec $HOME/.scripts/ # <<<< correct script!!!
definekey top s-s exec $HOME/.scripts/
definekey top s-r exec $HOME/.scripts/
definekey top s-c exec $HOME/.scripts/
Just to further prove it:
~ $ ls .scripts | grep rbw
.rwxr-xr-x 66 dave 16 Sep 14:36
Thankfully, sdorfehs
outputs some info in it's bar when a scripts runs/fails..
The output in the bar is:
/bin/sh/ -c "$HOME/.scripts/" finished (127)
Not very helpful.
All my other scripts work with their keybindings. This time it's not an issue with xclip
, but rather that the script isn't running... Needless to say, I'm now a little confused.. 😕