pfr I was looking to see if there was another clipboard manager installed as part of LXQt, and a quick internet search revealed that qlipper is meant to be the default, howerve it appears that qlipper is not included with LXQt on NetBSD.
Where is it stated that qlipper is meant to be default in LXQt?
While I could agree that it would fit, it's not officially a part of the project. The DE doesn't provide a default text editor either, though featherpad is shipped by default on several Linux distros. The same goes for kvantum as a theme engine.
Actually, not even a window manager is default and shouldn't be included within the desktop package. Although, in this case, the user experience would be seriously affected.
When packaging LXQt, I've simply followed upstreams recommendations, with two exceptions that I will comeback to. There are several discussions on the projects GitHub covering what users think default apps should be. The answer from the devs is usually consistent, "it's the users choice". So, I've just followed the recommendations. Even, lxqt-sudo, regardless of the name, doesn't require sudo
and supports doas
and su
so, sudo
is not included in the package.
With the exception of a window manager which, is included by default and, qps which, is not (too Linux specific), I've just followed upstreams recommendations. Hence, no clipboard, no text editor, no calculator, ...
As for your issue, just try what @seninha suggested.