Regardless of whether it's on my desktop or one of my multiple laptops, as long as it's running OpenBSD, I am seemingly unable to use the filepicker in both Firefox and Chromium, but it works fine in qutebrowser (which is Qt-based) and Netsurf (which is GTK 2-based).
The filepicker appears almost entirely empty with no way to navigate to anywhere at all other than "recently used", which is also entirely empty.
The other problem that applies across all GTK 3 and GTK 4 programs, but not GTK 2 ones are the very weird keybindings when the focus is on input fields.
So CTRL + A acts like the Home key, CTRL + F acts like the right arrow key, CTRL + B acts like the left arrow key CTRL + Y acts like CTRL + V
I can live just fine without CTRL + B and CTRL + Y, since I never use these anyway, but CTRL + A and CTRL + F are the ones that fuck me up every single time.