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All Discussions
NetBSD on Lenovo X1 Carbon -- Problems!
Cannot delete empty directory: Directory not empty
Are files deleted using rm recoverable?
lsblk for BSD
Send emails with Perl on OmniOSce
What does "REALTIME"/"Realtime Interfaces" mean in the man pages?
Is there any reason for this design choice?
Installing OmniOSce on an OVH "KS-STOR | Intel Xeon-D 1521" Dedicated Server
Locking a package to prevent automatic upgrade
Plz suggest a BSD for CS learning!
Okay to re-post/cross-post to mailing lists?
Which *BSD would be best suited as a secure desktop guest VM?
amdgpu ati radeon NetBSD-current
How far are we from OpenCL with GPU?
Custom NetBSD kernel - what don't you need?
How mount automatic pendrive in FreeBSD?
iPhone tethering USB in FreeBSD 14 doesn't work more!
Hint: port-forwarding into NetBSD workaround
atactl smart status
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