for a long time I was using old RPI2 as a lightweight file server and torrents client but its SD-card with Raspbian has treacherously died the other day so I’m one more time transferring RPI to the NetBSD.
My archive is on an SSD-drive with NTFS filesystem connected via USB and when I try to mount it I get “Device not configured” error. I’ve tried both methods, via kernel builtin module and via FUSE.
mount -t ntfs /dev/sd1a /mnt/
mount_ntfs: /dev/sd1a on /mnt: Device not configured
mount.ntfs-3g /dev/sd1a /mnt/
Error opening '/dev/sd1a': Device not configured
Failed to mount '/dev/sd1a': Device not configured
Either the device is missing or it's powered down, or you have
SoftRAID hardware and must use an activated, different device under
/dev/mapper/, (e.g. /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1) to mount NTFS.
Please see the 'dmraid' documentation for help.
fdisk /dev/sd1
Partition table:
0: NTFS, OS/2 HPFS, QNX2 or Advanced UNIX (sysid 7)
start 2048, size 468858880 (228935 MB, Cyls 0-29185/61/60)
No active partition.
Maybe I’m doing something obviously wrong?
Regarding swap file/partition, is it possible to make it on usb-stick? Will it interfere with order in which partitions are mounted and swap added to the system? Is it at least a bearable idea?