I have Realtek chip based USB wireless dongle, that frequently times out, resulting in a loss of wifi.
$ doas usbdevs -vv
Controller /dev/usb1:
addr 0: high speed, self powered, config 1, xHCI root hub(0x0000), NetBSD(0x0000), rev 1.00(0x0100)
Hub(0x09), Hub(0x00), proto 1
port 1 addr 2: high speed, self powered, config 1, USB2742(0x2742), Microchip Tech(0x0424), rev 92.00(0x9200)
Hub(0x09), Hub(0x00), proto 2
port 1 addr 5: low speed, power 100 mA, config 1, USB Optical Mouse(0xc077), Logitech(0x046d), rev 72.00(0x7200)
port 2 powered
port 2 addr 4: high speed, self powered, config 1, 802.11n NIC(0x818b), Realtek(0x0bda), rev 2.00(0x0200), serial 00e04c000001
port 3 disabled
port 4 disabled
port 5 addr 3: high speed, power 500 mA, config 1, Integrated_Webcam_HD(0x568b), CKFGH10N064100005952(0x0bda), rev 63.18(0x6318), serial 200901010001
0xef(0xef), 0x02(0x02), proto 1
And my ifconfig:
$ doas ifconfig urtwn0
urtwn0: flags=0x8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
ssid TMOBILE-9232 nwkey 65536:"",0x67df089b51b5bd04418c12874672341a,"",""
powersave off
bssid c4:e5:32:d3:92:34 chan 4
address: 8c:88:3b:38:07:d3
media: IEEE802.11 autoselect (OFDM54 mode 11g)
status: active
inet6 fe80::2ca1:13a5:c07f:6354%urtwn0/64 flags 0 scopeid 0x2
inet6 2607:fb90:8e93:7492:3a18:eb98:6431:c0b1/64 flags 0x40<AUTOCONF>
inet6 2607:fb90:8e93:7492:1921:615:9009:9113/128 flags 0
inet broadcast flags 0
I don't have an informative dmesg:
$ doas dmesg
[ 29176.118832] {drm:netbsd:intel_pipe_update_start+0x3b2} *ERROR* Potential atomic update failure on pipe A: -35
[ 29880.717014] urtwn0: device timeout
[ 29885.237001] urtwn0: device timeout
[ 29886.136999] urtwn0: device timeout
[ 29891.236989] urtwn0: device timeout
[ 29891.256986] urtwn0: device timeout
[ 29896.236978] urtwn0: device timeout
[ 29896.506972] urtwn0: device timeout
[ 29901.236961] urtwn0: device timeout
[ 29901.566960] urtwn0: device timeout
Any workaround for this bug?