yeti The 9front DC drama continues...
(2022-07-03 Sun 20:40): Update…
I really have a problem to find the pattern of the feature in this:
cpu% echo 97 PAP | dc
cpu% echo 98 PAP | dc
cpu% echo 99 PAP | dc
cpu% echo 100 PAP | dc
<linefeed only>
And if it were a feature, I would expect it being documented somewhere.
With that boiled down example I at least could convince one(!) other 9front user now to accept this behavior as bug. Maybe it's time to dare asking about this in the lion's den now.
Ok, I might smell a pattern there, but haven't looked deep enough into the 9ish dc source. The oldest DC I looked at as source stores the bignums in a list of base 100 "digits" and P
glitching at d
(ASCII 100) might be a hint. Their version still may be in that oldtimer's family tree and just prints the base 100 chunks as chars?
cpu% echo 979899 PAP | dc
This at least doesn't spit out garbage, but triggers other questions...