I've been trying to flash a thumb drive with a NetBSD.img using dd
without much success.
I do believe it may have worked the first time, but that was with a 9.2 img and I decided later to give HEAD a try so I attempted to overwrite the previous img with the new one using
# dd if=/home/dave/NetBSD-9.99.97-amd64-install.img of=/dev/sd0e bs=1m
And it just hangs. I let it sit for over 20 minutes and nothing happened. I cannot escape the process with Ctrl-C and eventually consumes enough memory that my wm keybinds no longer respond and I cannot open a new terminal to kill the process, and I have to hard shutdown using the power button on my laptop.
I thought I'd try wipe the drive with
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd0e
and the same thing happened. I cannot understand why this takes so long.
Am I just not being patient enough of is something wrong? I'm attempting to do this with a 4GB thumb drive on a thinkPad x230 with 8GB of ram.
I also want to know how to format thumb drives for specific filesystems FAT32 etc.
use mkfs
# mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/sd0e -n "USB Drive"
or better to use newfs