I've recently decided to host a website on the Raspberry Pi 4 with a focus on NetBSD. This is to gather some of the stuff I've written here and elsewhere in a self-contained archive, and to allow me to indulge in fun stuff and off-topic considerations which wouldn't deserve a dedicated post on a wiki or a forum.
I have already mirrored some of my UnitedBSD wiki post which I found most useful and added few new entries (more likely to come, if time permits) which you could be interested into, namely that on ZFS & NetBSD, and that on FFSv2 snapshots and full system backups.
I'll stress how this is very experimental for the moment. While I've already hosted stuff (mail, xmpp) at home using a dynamic DNS service provider, I also know how unreliable this solution can be: connection systematically going down, sudden power outages resulting in filesystem corruption, SD cards being themselves a nightmare. Were the situation to turn out unbearable, I'll move the whole thing to SDF.
Feedback and contributions are welcome. You can write in plain text (I write my posts in vi), send me it by mail and be accounted as author.