Since it seems that my first GPU (intel CoffeeLake-S GT2 [UHD Graphics 630]) is not supported in NetBSD and after a very detailed troubleshooting,no one has been able to help me to fix the problem that I have,so I've installed DragonFlyBSD and yes,the same GPU is working great and I'm using it now. What I want to do is to play a little bit with qemu and nvmm. I want to understand how good they are together,comparing them with Qemu + KVM on Linux. And I want also try to pass thru my secondary GPU,nvidia RTX 2080 ti inside a Linux VM or even better,Windows 10 vm. Now. I have already configured in FreeBSD with bhyve all the VMs that I want to try on the DFLY. But all the img files are stored in a UFS2 dedicated USB disk. What I'm trying to do now is to mount the UFS2 partition where are stored the VMS on the DFLY 6.1 that I have installed on another disk,choosing Hammer2 as fs.
I would like to mount the FreeBSD GPT/UFS2 partitions that are located on my USB disks,for example on the disk /dev/da2 :
root@marietto:/home/marietto # gpt -v show /dev/da2
gpt show: /dev/da2: mediasize=320072933376; sectorsize=512; blocks=625142448
start size index contents
0 1 - PMBR
1 1 - Pri GPT header
2 32 - Pri GPT table
34 6 - Unused
40 532480 0 GPT part - EFI System
532520 616030208 1 GPT part - FreeBSD UFS/UFS2
616562728 8388608 2 GPT part - FreeBSD Swap
624951336 191079 - Unused
625142415 32 - Sec GPT table
625142447 1 - Sec GPT header
I want mount the GPT part / FreeBSD UFS / UFS2 with index = 1,but unfortunately it says "incorrect super block"
root@marietto:/home/marietto # mount -t ufs /dev/da2s1 /mnt/da2s1
mount_ufs: /dev/da2s1 on /mnt/da2s1: incorrect super block
here u can see all the disk and partitions that I have on the system :
root@marietto:/home/marietto # ls /dev/da2*
/dev/da2 /dev/da2s0 /dev/da2s1 /dev/da2s2