Usually, I no longer post about newly merged packages but, this one looks like something others would perhaps like to use.
I've just packaged and merged wiki-tui
Look for it in pkgsrc/www/wiki-tui,

If you'd like my config file here you go,
# config.toml
base_url = ""
background = "#282828"
title = "#FAC863"
highlight = "#484848"
highlight_inactive = "#606060"
highlight_text = "#C0C5CE"
text = "#C0C5CE"
search_match = "#A6BC99"
enabled = false
log_dir = "/home/pin/.local/share/wiki_tui.log" # location of the file where the log will be written to
log_level = "Error" # log level to be used, can be Debug, Info, Warn, Error
Just place it in ~/.config/wiki-tui