I've installed OS108,based on :
localhost# uname -a
NetBSD localhost 9.1_STABLE NetBSD 9.1_STABLE (GENERIC) #1: Sun Nov 8 03:50:47 IST 2020 root@unitedbsd.com:/usr/srcNEW/objNEW/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC amd64
and now I can use the screen at a good resolution (1920x1080),but without using my intel gpu neither my nvidia geforce RTX 2080 ti gpu. If I remember correctly some time ago I was not able to do that using netbsd 9.2. I'm not using any xorg.conf file and I have modified only the boot.cfg file like this :
banner=Welcome to OS108
menu=Boot normally:rndseed /var/db/entropy-file;gop 4;boot
menu=Boot single user:rndseed /var/db/entropy-file;boot -s
menu=Drop to boot prompt:prompt
So,now I would like to know why with OS108 / netbsd 9.1-Stable I can do this but I can't do it with the 9.2. And more important,what happens if I make the upgrade of the 9.1-Stable to the 9.2. Will it stop working ?