CiotBSD ohh, yes, with termbin. 😃
cat $file | nc 9999
then you can retrieve it from the url provided using ftp(1)
However, as suggested, if you enable ftpd or sshd you can use ftp
and scp
respectively. If you gain remote access to your netbsd box (on a local network you just use telnet, enable it on /etc/inetd.conf) you can easily fix stuff by working from you daily driver. Think about having 2 vertical tiled windows, with half screen occupied by your browser at UnitedBSD and half by a terminal remotely connected to your netbsd client, copy pasting stuff across windows using the built-in features of your terminal emulator of choice. How does it sound? Damn how do you think people manage servers at home? Mine have always run headless, and only exceptionally would I have been forced to attach a serial console.