The Peter N. M. Hansteen disapprove a user-friendly and easy-to-use
variant of OpenBSD:
List: openbsd-misc
Subject: Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?
From: "Peter N. M. Hansteen" <peter () bsdly ! net>
Date: 2019-05-07 7:03:06
Message-ID: e0205d42-34bd-7414-f52a-e4af203b4e9c () bsdly ! net
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On 5/7/19 7:01 AM, Clark Block wrote:
In 2019 still there is not a great desktop experience for NetBSD. However,
As others have noted, what constitutes "a great desktop experience" is a
highly subjective matter. One person's great desktop experience could
very well be another's living hell of blinkenlights and clickythings.
That said, one of the things that NetBSD and OpenBSD have in common is
that they support quite a number of platforms, some of which were not
back in the day designed for graphics-heavy desktop use.
The OpenBSD installer works the same on all platforms, and is most loved
for such things as presenting sane defaults, offering up the data needed
for an automated install the next time around, and the recently
introduced automatic upgrade (sysupgrade, available in snapshots now).
Once the install is completed with the default values, a very basic X
desktop is available and may even start automatically if you told the
installer you wanted that. Getting other desktop environments such as
Gnome, Xfce or others up and running is mainly a matter of pkg_add and
perhaps doing what the package readmes or/and the messages at the end of
pkg_add runs tell you to.
If your version of "a great desktop experience" is something like what
you point to, building and maintaining such a beast would incur extra
effort on the part of developers for code that is useful to perhaps a
largish number of users but in fact very few of the platforms the
project wants to support as fully as possible.
When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?
All the bits you need are there already. It's mainly a matter of a few
pkg_add commands.