I have found in the past week that a lot of people seem scared of NetBSD(unix).
So, here's how I installed NetBSD on my Laptop.
I learned the hard way that the easiest way to learn something is to do it yourself. This definitely applies to unix. Much of it is based on a collection of powerful and not always obvious commands that you have to learn by trial and error.
I'll go through the steps I took, and what I did.
(I'm not a total unix n00b — I already knew some things, and the NetBSD guide/forum posts helped a lot too).
Guide with example installation steps : https://www.netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/chap-exinst.html
Newcomer's guide by our mod @pin
is also good start https://www.unitedbsd.com/d/6-netbsd-a-little-guide-for-newcomers
A quick guide by mod @JuvenalUrbino https://archive.unitedbsd.com/t/netbsd-desktop-part-1-manual-netbsd-installation-on-gpt-uefi/284
And network setup guide : https://archive.unitedbsd.com/t/netbsd-desktop-pt-2-set-up-wireless-networking-on-netbsd-with-wpa-supplicant-and-dhcpcd/281
(I'm sure you can do it just as easily)After you are set up following guides and want to go step futher check how to do performace improvement : https://www.unitedbsd.com/d/439-netbsd-performance-tweaks