pfr oui Mind sharing your gopherhole address? Looks interesting 😁 It's really not that interesting (my phlog anyway). Find it at Some other users have some interesting words to share though. oui Also, what music player is that? It is indeed ncspot
Nick0lis JuvenalUrbino I did not find the painter. Can i help with that? ( )
pin fr3s666 Yes, it's designed with multi-monitor or, ultrawide in mind. Although, I use it on a 13" laptop. I'm just waiting the release of 0.2.10 to merge it. Give me a shout if it's not available by the time you want to try it and I'll post build instructions 😉
grahamperrin (How can I add a link to an image? I see the Add a link button, but I can't guess what to select before clicking the button.)
grahamperrin pin thanks, I meant Add a link (the button), as in: have an image here add a link, so that a click on the image will link to something (not the same image) elsewhere.
pin grahamperrin Ahh, that. Just use it in the format [text to display as link](the actual url) Using your screeshot above as an exemple, [image here]( will show as image here 😉
JuvenalUrbino grahamperrin thanks, I meant Add a link (the button), as in: have an image here add a link, so that a click on the image will link to something (not the same image) elsewhere. To expand on @pin 's, have a look flarum formatting guide for future posts. Flarum's syntax is essentially Markdown. But the built-in inline editor leaves much to be desidered.
grahamperrin grahamperrin … add a link, so that a click on the image will link to something (not the same image) elsewhere. pin Just use it in the format [text to display as link](the actual url) … Thanks, however that does not display a clickable image.
nortonham FreeBSD, with CWM, and an xterm running screen. currently messing around with conky, possibly going to just install a statusbar instead edit: I really love CWM, it's actually really simple to use and gets out of your way
chrisfromgreece Just a simple miyan kvantum theme on LxQt on OpenBSD 7.1 I plan to use it with a tiling window manager like herbstluftwm and dwm.
pfr JuvenalUrbino Nice to see someone else using phetch Also, what server is on? Libera or oftc?
JuvenalUrbino pfr Also, what server is on? Libera or oftc? How can it be either of the two if the domain is literally :-P? It's the tildeverse's server!