I'm running NetBSD on my Pinebook Pro. I thought, alternative hardware calls for an alternative OS. I'm still learning, but the OS wears well on me so far.
However, there are a few questions. Is there ongoing development to better support of this platform?
I find the trackpad stutters when I slow it down, which is unfortunate. This makes using it somewhat uncomfortable. I've tried tweaking Xinput properties but I can't remedy the problem.
Is there any news on the wifi support? I suppose this will depend on the willingness of the hardware manufacturer to provide BSD-compliant licenced drivers.
I've heard that there has been work improving scheduling with the PBP's six cores and this has optimised video performance, which is great. Keenly awaiting this reaching the stable release.
I hope my questions aren't taken as demands, they're far from it. I'm simply curious how things are going. Still somewhat new to BSD land so this will not be my first post. Though the manuals and handbooks are very lucid, so it could've been a much worse first post.
Many thanks, R.T.G.