Will a carpenter do?
I educated myself in "organic building" - an experimental practical building education with an environmental approach. Even a Waldorf School (which I've attended most of my school years). Also did a bit of coursing in traditional building and restoration. (In Norway we have lots of old log houses and such.)
Unfortunately I don't pay my bills that way, but am in the process of facing some problems/checking my head for some four letter combination or something (not HDMI) while doing production work in a greenhouse and soon a café.
I lived many years without computers, but eventually I couldn't hold back and found a discarded UNIX book (Using UNIX by Solomon, 1990-ish) and fell in love. Shortly after running Puppy Linux on a discarded Atom processor Samsung laptop.
After five years of running Linux (and listening to BSD Now) I finally got around to running a BSD derivative. First attempt was NetBSD on a T42, but installer bootlooped. OpenBSD worked and I fell in love. Also ran NomadBSD and run GhostBSD.
Current OS-dreams are are a media production station with FreeBSD 13, a Pi with a cloud (to sync all my stuff) and also getting around to run an illumos-distro or two.
By the 31. of May my goal is to establish a IT company for basic support and some web at first and hopefully expand services as it grows. Using Unix and older equipment preferably/when suitable.
Also slowly reeducating myself. Next year apply to CS (Network and Security). A bit later than most as I am 36 yrs old now.
Oh, that slid somewhat off-topic - a bit of bio an OS-history. I am present on Telegram (OK, I'll come to Matrix soon enough) as well.