I've been fighting with tint2 for the past week. My issue is that the package included in NetBSD sources still looks for files in /usr/local/whatever, but the packaged install does not (apperently) include icon or theme files that the base install looks for?! Like, who packaged this.
Anyhow, If someone has a solution to where the base icon files could be found, or how to better configure the default tint2 installation, that would be much helpful.
Secondly, if there is another program that does the same thing, I'm happy to try another bar program.
All I want is a systray/taskbar, don't need a launcher (Time, date, weather, battery life, network status). I wondered if dmenu would provide a bar, but I couldn't see a way to do it.
EDIT: I think my major problem is - tint2 does not read local theme config files on launch, and tint2conf locks up in a wait state forever.
I'm currently using CTWM, which is great. Traveling with a NetBSD laptop only has really forced me to learn how to use the system as a daily driver.
Thanks for any help you might offer.