pin JuvenalUrbino Not so long a go, I did find conky really cool. But, ...times change ?, I just launch top when I want system info ?
pin I've rebuilt my system and decided to try something else... 148 non-base packages, 2.5GB occupied disk space and... 86MB RAM used ? NetBSD + spectrwm ? Hope you like it! EDIT: dots EDIT2: also on r/unixporn for PR ?
pin One week on spectrwm and I'm impressed 😃 Its very modular and after some work, it looks... ...shall we say, professional 😉 Spectrwm "business edition" 😃 😃
JuvenalUrbino pin awesome, I really need to catch up on screenshots and come up with something new XD
[deleted] Jay hey how does it look when you already login ? it seems that I'm the only one using tmux with its plugins.
pin Updated my screenshots on spectrwm after further changes. Didn't dare to have yet another post on this section ? Happy now with consistent colors ?
pin JuvenalUrbino Give spectrwm a go. I'm going suckless with it ? , i.e. using both dmenu and slock ? If xterm wasn't in base, I would take st for a spin. dwm on the other hand, probably not.
JuvenalUrbino New Half Life -inpsired fluxbox setup (+pypanel, dzen and conky) As always, you can find all configs here
ClaudioM New to UnitedBSD, but not new to BSD (well, OK....a few years new ?) This one is from my Toshiba Portege M400 running OpenBSD with cwm. And this one is from a ThinkPad x230 I have at work, also running OpenBSD but with MATE Desktop instead.
pin ClaudioM on the MATE screenshot, do you actually have google chrome?? Or, is it chromium using the chrome icon? Just curious.
ClaudioM pin It's Chromium using the Chrome icon. Not my choice; that's how the icon theme was configured. *shrug*