Haven't worked on NetBSD since I had a Cobalt server. I'm not a noob, but this is a noob question.
I'm on a work laptop running Qemu but I can't get the network card to work. It doesn't seem to be getting a DHCP address.
I'm doing this just to learn PHP and MySQL. My environment is Windows 10 Host running Qemu 3.1 (yes it's old) with NetBSD 9.0 i386 as guest operating system. I downgraded to Qemu 3.1 because I was trying to resolve problems with 4.1 and 4.2 keyboard errors and an odd audio problem. Shrieking noise in 4.1. I'm waiting for a Windows exe for Qemu 5.0 to be available.
I've successfully installed a NetBSD 9.0 i386 image including a/the X Window manager. But I can't seem to get anything to work. I don't seem to have any packages from the install CD. I can mount the CD, that's about it.
I'm trying to follow this guide which says I need to build all from source.