I have tried to install openbsd GPT partition way on my HP probook 450G7 many times without success. My HP accepts UEFI and MBR. At the moment I have installed obsd7.6 legacy way and the OS works perfectly. But I would like keep trying if someone can tell me how to do it.
The problem starts at the moment of booting the usb when the process stops in the random numbers at the beginning. I downloaded the '.img' file because the '.iso' did not worked. I can say that the '.iso' works fine on the Qubes OS template when I tried it, in case anyone else is interested in trying it out.
I also partitioned the disc on which the OS is to be installed with 'fdisk -gi -b 532480 sdx' and proceeded with the installation process and saying yes when asked for GTP. At the end of the install, I used the shell to format the sdXi partition to copy the EFI files to boot the finished install. The install works but I have to boot on the legacy way all the time.
Thank you.