I figured out that when you close the lid on NetBSD 10.0/amd64, the laptop doesn't go into sleep mode (ACPI sleep state 3), but instead just turns out the backlight by setting it to 0. To me there seems to be no downside to putting the computer to sleep instead, but I assume there is a good reason. I changed my the script on my machine to do that instead and it works perfectly fine.
Here is a diff if you want to try it out:
< wsconsctl -d -w backlight=0 >/dev/null
> /sbin/sysctl -w hw.acpi.sleep.state=3
< wsconsctl -d -w backlight=1 >/dev/null
> /sbin/sysctl -w hw.acpi.sleep.state=0
Do any of you know why this was done this way? What advantage does it have?