I was curious why Veracrypt is not on the NetBSD ports, at least the cli version of it.
There is a thread on reddit and also someone's work on github so I gave a try with that patched code on github.... The darn thing compliled under NetBSD 10 !!
I installed NetBSD (10) on vbox, and copied the code of that git into it.
I also installed the following packages: gmake , yasm , fuse , pkg-config , wxGTK32 , then changed the Makefile to reflect the correct name of the wx-config as "wx-config-3.2" , then :
$ gmake NOGUI=1
(just to have a quick compile without GUI) and holy crap... it compiled!!
I even made a simple veracrypt container - just a password, no PIM/keyfiles - it worked, mount should be with sudo (like in eg FreeBSD) .
Alas I am not developer (ok used to be ages ago on archaic systems... lol) so any taker ? I think this should be ported to NetBSD , unless there are licence issues.. thanks!