I can understand using multiple BSD's on servers, but this is purely meant for BSD's on desktops (including laptops, single board computers, and pentabs), so your main BSD of choice.
I got into the BSD's via OpenBSD first, which remains my most favorite one, because it just works, and everything works beautifully together, more so than with the other BSD's.
However, I also like FreeBSD, and since a few days ago NetBSD, I have yet to try out Dragonfly BSD though, but I heard it's pretty snappy.
But there was a time when I was unsure whether I want to make FreeBSD or OpenBSD into my main OS on my main desktop, and I chose FreeBSD for the following reasons:
- Steam
- Apart from Steam, all software I need is on FreeBSD, but is lacking on OpenBSD.
As it then turned out:
- Steam actually doesn't work on FreeBSD at all, so I still boot into Linux for that.
- I barely even use ZFS on the desktop, I do use it extensively on my NAS though.
- All the software that's unavailable (with the exceptions of XMRig and OBS-Studio) are compileable on OpenBSD with only a little bit of extra effort.
So I'm pretty much settled on making OpenBSD into my main OS after a while of uncertainty of which one to choose.
I will continue to run both FreeBSD and NetBSD on spare laptops though, because as a software engineer I want to ensure compatibility and portability between as many Unix-like OS's as possible, but we're talking about main OS's here.
My reasons of choosing OpenBSD:
- Great team with a clear passion.
- No political bullshit at all, it's all about technical merit.
- No need to harden, it's already secure by default.
- True minimalism and true libre software (so not like GPL where freedom is slavery).
- Everything just works.
- Packed with unique, rock solid software.
- I can sympathies with the mindset of the OpenBSD developers much more than I can with the other ones.
- Friendly community (if you're not an idiot on the internet).
- It's the first BSD I used.
The only downside is that it's so slow.
So what is your main BSD of choice, and why did you pick that over the others?
Did you have any situations you were unable to choose?