Would welcome hints and tips on following; I have script that grabs the WindowID and sends it vdesk. It's activated from my window ops list in twm and sends the client window over to the selected virtual desktop.
winid=$(xdotool click 1 | xwininfo | ggrep -oP '(?<=id:).*?(?=")');
vdesk 1 $winid
Over on Arch it works a treat. On OpenBSD only some xorg apps work?
(xcalc, xmag, xclipboard, xv, xfig, xpaint)
but other client's windows don't. I have added a line in my script to output winid to a log file which remains empty when it doesn't work yet has the right winid when it does.
Using xwininfo manually works on all windows.
How would I figure out what's happening?