Just thought I'd try to finally connect to my bluetoth speaker after many years of listening to music on my crappy ThinkPad x230 sppeakers....
Following the guide here: https://www.netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/chap-bluetooth.html
This is how far I got:
~ λ btconfig ubt0 inquiry
Device Discovery from device: ubt0 ... 1 response
1: bdaddr c0:28:8d:4b:19:25
: name "UE BOOM 2"
: class [0x240418] Headphones <Rendering> <Audio>
: page scan rep mode 0x01
: clock offset 1041
: rssi 0
~ # echo "c0:28:8d:4b:19:25 UEBOOM" >>/etc/bluetooth/hosts
~ λ btpin -d ubt0 -a UEBOOM -p 0000
~ # btdevctl -d ubt0 -a UEBOOM -s HSET -A -v
local bdaddr: f4:b7:e2:e9:4b:6f
remote bdaddr: c0:28:8d:4b:19:25
device type: btsco
mode: connect
channel: 11
After this I opened another terminal and ran:
~ λ hcidump
HCI sniffer - Bluetooth packet analyzer ver 5.66-netbt
system: snap_len: 1500 filter: 0xffffffffffffffff
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5
handle 12 packets 1
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5
handle 12 packets 1
While running:
~ # bthset -m /dev/mixer1 -v
Headset Info:
mixer: /dev/mixer1
laddr: f4:b7:e2:e9:4b:6f
raddr: c0:28:8d:4b:19:25
channel: 11
vgs.dev: 0, vgm.dev: 1
> AT+VGS=13
< OK
> AT+XAPL=0000-0000-0100,10
So it seems to recognise the speaker but I'm not sure why I'm getting this error.
Any help is appreeciated. Cheers