Hello everyone.
After 20+ years I’ve decided to have a look at the BSD‘s again. While playing around with NetBSD 10 RC1 I got into trying to compile software where I only found Linux based build instructions. This software (not available in pkgsrc and binary ports) is probably to heavy for my skill but I want to have a look how far I get…
My question:
In Linux there are a lot of *-dev or * -devel packages aside of the main package. Example (not exactly) samba-4.16.package and the corresponding samba-4.16-devel.package.
The (Linux focused) build instructions often recommend the above mentioned *-devel Package. In netbsd there are seldom *-devel.packages.
Can I assume that when I install the corresponding NetBSD port, that this will include what in the Linux world is in a separate devel-Package? And: if so: does this count for pkgsrc builds as well as for binary packages?
My skill. While I’m not a newbie my BSD and compiling experience is very outdated and 20+ years old and I forgot a lot. But I bear a hidden love for Unix-likes for decades. I installed a FreeBSD system to have a look on jails . Installed OpenBSD to have look at pf . And now I played with the latest NetBSD because I have very good memories of NetBSD on a Pentium 133 when a Pentium 133 was not ancient hardware 😉 - everything on a hobbyist level. I have a bit holidays in Q4/2023
Kind regards