A previous discussion inspired me to write this post for those who are enthusiastic about fonts.
There are two very interesting programs, bdfload and ttf2wsfont hidden in the source files (xsrc.tar.gz) of NetBSD. Located in xsrc/local/programs/
These make it possible to convert bdf or ttf fonts to wsf file format which wscons uses, so you can have your own custom fonts in wscons.
It's even possible to generate a header usable with dev/wsfont/, so you can specify your custom font in the kernel (requires recompiling the kernel) to have your font displayed throughout the entire boot process.
As an example to use Xorg's default fixed font 7x13 in wscons:
1. Download xsrc.tar.gz
2. Extract and cd into xsrc/local/programs/bdfload
3. Run make to build the program
4. Copy the font you wanna use to current directory:
$ cp /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/misc/7x13.pcf.gz .
5. unzip the font and convert it to bdf by using pcf2bdf (available in pkgsrc)
$ pcf2bdf -o 7x13.bdf 7x13.pcf
6. Let's genereate our wsf font:
$ ./bdfload -N myfont -o myfont.wsf 7x13.bdf
7. Move the font to wscons font folder:
$ mv myfont.wsf /usr/share/wscons/fonts/
8. Edit /etc/wscons.conf to add these two lines to enable our new font:
font myfont - - - /usr/share/wscons/fonts/myfont.wsf
setvar ttyE0 font myfont
Lastly, with the program xmbdfed mentioned in previous "Software recommendations for a NetBSD laptop" thread, you can very easily edit bdf fonts. For instance if you would like to increase the line height in wscons you could just use xmbdfed to increase the space around the font.
Possibilities are endless, have fun customizing wscons and fonts!