netbsdnoob what about for listening to music? there is no spotify i guess for netbsd
Proprietary extensions for streaming platforms on web browsers are unavailable, but there are many spotify clients in repo, as @pin mentioned (spoiler: he's the one who kindly packaged them). They all require a paid subscription though.
I don't use spotify, as I prefer to maintain a local library of ripped CDs and vinyls, borrowed content, and a certain amount of pirated stuff. I mainly use MPD with a client like vimpc. I wrote a guide on how to set this up on NetBSD. On very old machines (i386, macppc) I prefer cmus.
I also use mpv to listen to some online radio stations, like those on SomaFm, aNONRadio and Echoes of BlueMars.
I also use Audacious with some cool XMMS skins to play compact disks, and bandsnatch for BandCamp.
netbsdnoob do you guys use something to browse youtube videos? instead of a browser?
Sometimes I use mpv + yt-dlp as RVP mentioned below, or streamlink.
On desktop I normally don't use bars; I'll just have a stacking wm loaded on a tiled background, and maybe sysutils/xosview2 + xclock.
On laptop, I use lemonbar-xft, parsing common shells scripts. You can grab my
script for NetBSD here ('barrc' needs to be moved to ~/.barrc, everything else should go in a directory appended to your PATH, e.g. ~/bin).
Here you can see the bar at the bottom:
In the past, I used shell scripts in conjunction with xmessage(1), to get something like this:
The problem is that it requires the standard user to be able to execute /sbin/shutdown without being asked for a password.
Nowadays I just have:
alias reboot='doas /sbin/shutdown -r now "R E B O O T"'
alias poweroff='doas /sbin/shutdown -p now "P O W E R O F F"'