Bruno I wanna know if there are any news about NetBSD state. I see there is no 8.3 9.4 and 10.0 release for long time. I see graphics are the blockers for 10.0 but what is being done to fix graphics bugs? I don't see any new commit related to graphics. Anything we can do to help? If we have documentation on how the Linux 5.6 graphics port works we maybe we can help to fix the bugs.
MG_ Bruno You're not specifying anything. Graphics blockers? Are you looking for support of a particular GPU?
pin MG_ He's most probably refering to the release blocking issues,
Jay Bruno you should contact author on mailing list if they need any help. Also for 9.4 and 8.x i think NetBSD foundation releases when they feel that it is ready to be released 🙂
nia weird coincidence: the wiki page was just updated. people are currently working on integrating openssl 3 into netbsd, the version we end up shipping with 10 matters because it affects our ability to support 10 in the long term.
nia I think it makes sense for most users to be running branch snapshots rather than releases unless they are a company or have important reproducibility requirements or want to upgrade very rarely.